Dragon Standard

A News Source for The Micronational projects larry is in

Sunday, June 05, 2005

religion beat


MP Bernard in addition to relocating his political and business ventures has decided to try his hand in a spiritual venture

“I will be forming the Zoroastrian Assembly of Concord. I plan to take some of the ideas of the Zoroastrian Assembly which has taken out ancient faith and returned it to some of its classical roots and expand it further. I believe that the time for a greater community of faith in Concord is now, and I believe that I can be a force for that.”

In addition to his work trying to organize the Zoroastrian Assembly he is discussing possibly building a B’nai Noach center as well here in Fenworth

the Move to Fenworth


MP Larry Bernard has announced his relocation to the city of Fenworth

“I’ve lived in Mystic Valley a long time” he said “but I feel right now I need to connect with the real people out there in the country and a move to make Fenworth my home is the only way to do that.”

Dragon Standard Publishing; Publishers of the Concord Dragon Standard will be relocating their corporate office there as well.

“Once we establish ourselves in Fenworth, we will start building some city beats and some more diverse news coverage then the largely political coverage we see now.”

Dragon Standard Publishing also intends to publish a series of Short Stories MP Bernard has written

“that venture is in the early stages right now and I don’t want to go into to much detail at this time”

DSP fails to meet the challenge

The DSP only real substantive platform of issues seems to be vauge yet nice sounding institutional reforms.

Indeed when they even know they have sufficent voice to form a government they still stand silent.

We will have to see how the winds go as the newest parliament is seated

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dragon Standard Publishing begins

The Republic of Concord needs a good opposition paper and their seems to be things to oppose.

Rumor has it that the constitution that the people have voted on may not be the "final" constitution.

that people in the Constitutional commission have continued to work even though their final product has been approved by the voters.

the parliament is the sole legislative voice. If this commission which has many a member of Parliament in their midst wishes to revamp the whole constitution then i think we the people need to rexamin the role of the DSP in our government